Webmin version 1.080

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Webmin version 1.080

Postby Reputer » 05. April 2003 23:28

The latest version of webmin is webmin-1.080 ;)

Just letting you know a have your test version also running on redhat 8 and its works fine. Altough i dont have al of its modulles working...

Greets Repute

Ps your doing great work!!!

Postby Oswald » 06. April 2003 18:25

Dear Repute!!

Thanks for the hint. But a the moment I alway failing in downloading webmin. Seems SourceForge has some problems. I will try tomorror again.

Oswald ;)
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Oki dokie

Postby Reputer » 06. April 2003 21:23

Yea i know the usermin download also was corrupt :S
Second hint tommorow the 7the of april redhat 9 comes online for downloading so you can start testing hehe...

Greets Repute...

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