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Default XAMPP directory for web content on Ubuntu 12.04?

PostPosted: 20. April 2014 10:43
by hfinger
I have installed XAMPP 1.8.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.4. When I browse http://localhost/ the "It works!" page appears. But where is it? Googling gives me conflicting answers:

  • It is at /var/www
  • it is at /opt/lampp/htdocs

I want to install FrontAccounting, which means unpacking a .*tar.gz file into a directory (say, fa/) within the document root directory.

As you may have guessed, I have just removed Windows 7 Professional from my computer and replaced it with Ubuntu 12.04.4. So I am on a bit of a steep learning cliff here.


Some more info since the above message ...

I altered the /var/www/index.html page so I could identify it from other instances of index.html elsewhere. Turns out this is the page httpd serves from http://localhost/ !

But now I have found a file called /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf with the lines ...
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs"
<Directory "/opt/lampp/htdocs">

Clearly httpd is ignoring this httpd.conf file and reading another elsewhere. But where is this httpd.conf file where DocumentRoot is defined as /var/www ?


Even more ...

In the XAMPP Control Panel, Apache2, MySQL and ProFTPD are all stopped.

But, after I cleared the caches of both Chrome and Firebird, then accessed http://localhost, the "It works!" page (/var/www/index.html) again appeared. So somewhere there is another instance of apache running.

Incidentally, I could not start apache and MySQL from XAMPP Control Panel. What's going on? How do I ensure that there is only one apache executable on my machine.


pgrep apache2

returned about 8 PIDs! I am really puzzled. Where did they all come from. When I installed XAMPP I assumed only one instance of apache2 would be installed. Just can't fathom XAMPP Control Panel telling me Apache2 is not running with the results of pgrep.
