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./bin/pecl installations go to wrong directory

PostPosted: 03. February 2012 15:53
by phptwister
Hello fellow UNIX'ers.

As the title states, running an installation from /opt/lampp/bin/pecl installs the modules to /usr/lib/php5/20090626/, and not to /opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts---------/

It was working functionally until yesterday, when I changed the which php path to /opt/lampp/bin with command:
Can anyone please instruct me, or does have any idea on where I could start? I'm in the middle of a project and this is not working out for me. So far, I am able to manually download, compile and install the extensions but having this feature thrown away is a big downer.

I thank you in advance..!

Re: ./bin/pecl installations go to wrong directory

PostPosted: 10. February 2012 22:08
by phptwister

How come 99% of all the threads are being replied to, and none to mine?