Lampp 1.7.7 on Linux Mint [Solved]

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Lampp 1.7.7 on Linux Mint [Solved]

Postby Tcemobarak » 28. January 2012 05:57


I am a new Linux Mint user. Before using Linux I use Windows 7.

Linux is difficult to me more more then windows.

I want to a web developer. So I install Xampp web server in Linux Mint.
On directory /opt using this command
my password
tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.7.tar.gz -C /opt
/opt/lampp/lampp start
It show me welcome page so I think this install is perfect.

Now i want to upload my created files and folders on /opt/lampp/htdocs
but I can't upload my files and folder normally by copy past.

Then I open as administrator /opt/lampp/htdocs and past successfully my files and folders.

But is didn't work successfully.

What I should do now?

Please guide me using drupal-7.10.tar.gz cms.
Please guide me how to upload file using ProFTPD.

Note: I didn't set any new security setting of Lampp.
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Re: Lampp 1.7.7 on Linux Mint

Postby JonB » 28. January 2012 17:19

OK -

You have a few hurdles to overcome.

A. - you need to learn about file permissions and ownership in Linux/Unix. I will get you started, but this is not the place to learn Linux.

The problem is that the files in the /opt/lampp/htdocs folder (and below) need to belong to the user 'nobody' and the group 'root'. When you (as a linux user) download files they belong to you as a user aand as a Linux group. They are located in your 'home' folders that what the tilde (~) represents. In order to use them with lampp you need to change their ownership.

the command (using su or sudo) that will fix that is:

Code: Select all
chown -R nobody:root /opt/lampp/htdocs/foldername/*   

where 'foldername' is the location where you placed the files

B. - you will also need to understand file permissions. Generally for opt/lampp/htdocs, folders should be 755, and files 644, although there are exceptions.

Linux training -
You should either find a website for this, or get a book. Used books are very inexpensive, and the command line bash doesn't change much, so any book would probably do.

Here's a free tutorial course -

You don't need to use ProFTPd to upload unless you are on a different machine. It works with any FTP client (such as Filezilla). The matter of user and password are coverd on the XAMMP for Linux pages

As for the other things, you don't learn anything by me telling you how to make it work... :roll:

Good Luck
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Re: Lampp 1.7.7 on Linux Mint

Postby Tcemobarak » 29. January 2012 12:28

Thanks for your respond.
Now I can solve this. It's easy.

I can't use ProFTPd to upload.

First i change my document root "/www" by editing httpd.conf and make www shareable.

That's it.

It make Lammp as like windows way.
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