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Can't start mysql

PostPosted: 06. January 2012 21:45
by playmania
Sharley wrote:
Can you start Apache without problems?

Same problem. Thx

Re: Can't start mysql

PostPosted: 06. January 2012 22:18
by Altrea
NOT the same problem.

1st: The OP use XAMPP for WINDOWS. You use XAMPP for LINUX.
2nd: The OP has had problems with MYSQL, not APACHE.
3rd: You don't give ANY information about your problem
4th: only one thread per user per problem

Simply the most worse post ever on this board, really :shock:

Before you post, take some minutes to think!
- Whats the correct forum
- Whats the correct caption
- What information should be given in the thread

Your thread has simply nothing.
Make it better, if you request help. Otherwise we can't do anything for you.

best wishes,