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Access forbidden when running perl scripts

PostPosted: 20. June 2011 17:21
by viper92086
Hi so i'm having some issues running perl scripts from my cgi-bin folder on xamp 1.7.4. I am trying to run the sample script and i receive a Access Forbidden 403 error. I have made sure that i chmod'd the cgi-bin folder and files to 0755. Is there anything else i am missing?

Re: Access forbidden when running perl scripts

PostPosted: 20. June 2011 19:49
by viper92086
I found that i needed to make some modifications to the httpd.conf file the following is what i modified it to.

<Directory "/opt/lampp/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride all
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
Allow from all