bandwithd limiter

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

bandwithd limiter

Postby sitespider » 28. February 2004 12:44


Is it possible for me to install some kind of badwidth limiter on my lampp apache server .... I found a couple of apache mods but they were for the old apache and i wasn't sure how to install them any way.

So basically what i want kno is

Is there a bandwidth limiting mod for lammp?
if so how do i install it?


Posts: 6
Joined: 10. December 2003 13:55

Postby sitespider » 25. March 2004 13:32


I dont mean to be a pain but can some one tell me how i do this as i would really like to install the bandwidth limiter mod but dont kno where to start or if it will even run on apache 2.

Posts: 6
Joined: 10. December 2003 13:55

Postby Kristian Marcroft » 25. March 2004 13:47


try reading the Documentation of the mod?

So long
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Kristian Marcroft
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