Upgrade from Lampp 0.9.9

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Upgrade from Lampp 0.9.9

Postby pantor » 13. February 2004 21:56

Hi all,

I have installed Lampp 0.9.9 on a Linux box, and works very very well! But I need to upgrade to the most recent version.

Any sugestions on how could I do that? On the site is clear that I could not do it with the upgrade pack. All I want to do is to keep the configurations of the ftp server, web server and MySQL databases, that are the most important thing.

... and I know now that I need to check more often the new versions of Xampp :oops:

Thank you all,

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Postby Shoukri » 13. February 2004 22:26

if you are using the update packs of xampp the config file, databases and so on won't be touched
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Postby pantor » 13. February 2004 22:30

Shoukri wrote:if you are using the update packs of xampp the config file, databases and so on won't be touched

Hi, thanks for your fast reply!

Yes, I know that if I use the update pack my configuration will not be touched, but the question is: can I update from 0.9.9 to 1.4.2?? I thought that isn´t possible.


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Postby Shoukri » 13. February 2004 22:38

hm on sourceforge there are update packs for your version ;)

http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile ... e_id=58240

but i can't connect to sf at the moment to give you the direkt links ... ;(
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Postby pantor » 13. February 2004 22:56

Shoukri wrote:hm on sourceforge there are update packs for your version ;)

http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile ... e_id=58240

but i can't connect to sf at the moment to give you the direkt links ... ;(

Ok, thanks again. I found the upgrade from 0.9.9 to 0.9.9a and it works ok, but then there is not an upgrade from 0.9.9a to 1.0, just phpmyadmn. When untar the files, just find phpmyadmin.

So, I don´t know how to continue from here, any help? Thank you very much,

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