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Can I move lampp installation from one system to other?

PostPosted: 13. July 2010 11:01
by SMOwais

I need to carry around lampp installation on my flash drive. So that I can use the same installation on different systems.

First I tried this.
I untared it on my flash drive. Then created a soft link to it in /opt. I ran it from /opt but mysql failed to start. I also tried to open the panel
Code: Select all
sudo /opt/lampp panel
but it gave me error. The idea was that if the installation is on flash drive that I can plug it in to any system. All I will need is to create a soft link in /opt.
But it failed.

Now I was wondering, how if I untar it in /opt and run it from there, the way it is recommended. But later, when I need to use it on other system. I copy the whole lampp folder on my flash drive and then transfer it to the other system's /opt folder.
Is there any potential problem in this procedure? Any chance of getting error?

I will be using XAMPP to run my local installation of wordpress. So I am concerned that above stated procedure can cause any data loss or mysql corruption?

Kindly guide me in this regard.
Thanks for your time.