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PostPosted: 03. July 2010 09:06
by reflets de vert
Hello everyone,

I searched everywhere with many different keywords and did not found any general info about xampp, apache, perl, mysql,

I like understand things when I use it, and I did not found anything about - simply - what is apache, what is mysql and how can I use it, how these things work, how these things work together, how I can use them to do a site in localhost, if I must modify and create files directly with my file browser in htdocs.

For me all these internet systems are now like thermodynamics. I wonder where we can find some general info, some guide in the same league of these kind of great guides ( )

If somebody know some really didactic, progressive, good and simple documentation I'll be happy.
Otherwise I'll write it myself if I success to understand something.

I'm using archlinux.

I'm sorry if I'm not so diplomatic, or some other issue…

Re: Infos

PostPosted: 25. August 2010 20:50
by newbie2244

If you learn/understand German, you can buy the XAMPP book, (available only in German). Think of it as a silver lining in your cloud. You'll learn/improve(your) German and get valuable info about XAMPP. Also, the German forums are more detailed than the English ones.
If you can manage it, you'll learn alot.
