
Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.


Postby Philip » 16. January 2004 09:01

Is the "Usermin" module installed with Xampp/Webmin by default or is there additional installation required?

When I first attempted to access the module it was obvious that it was pointing to an incorrect directory so I configured it to look for the modeule in /opt/lampp/etc/webmin/usermin. Webmin still states that it can't be found.

Is there any documentation (or advice) as to how I can install this module?

Thank you in advance
Posts: 2
Joined: 08. January 2004 19:37

Postby Kristian Marcroft » 16. January 2004 09:22


no Usermin is not installed in the Webmin AddOn....
I don't really think it is needed....
Since you can edit all System Users with Webmin anyway...
I'm sorry I have no Docu on how to install Usermin right...
Webmin should normally ask you if you want to Download this Module?

So long
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Kristian Marcroft
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