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Super basic: can't access files

PostPosted: 16. September 2009 23:38
by danwoods
Hello, I'm trying to set up my first server and these are the components I have set up so far: XAMPP, the latest version of ubuntu desktop, under System>Administration>Network Tools when I preform a port scan port 80 comes back open to www, a domain name hosted with, and my wireless router connecting to When I try to connect to the domain they gave me at into an external computer's browser it tries to connect to my localhost page. It says it can't, "establish a connection to the server" but the url changes to "http://localhost/musicneverstopped/index.php" which is where I'm trying to get to! So now, how do I get it to connect to the server? Where could mistakes lie?

typing "".com into mozzilla's url bar tries to access my local host

typing www. into mozzilla's url bar just returns "can't find the server"

Don't know if that's relevant, just adding information.

Also, when I use "".com the favicon turns into the xampp favicon just for a second before I get "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost." and then changes into the exclamation point thingy...

Thanks to all in advance

Re: Super basic: can't access files

PostPosted: 17. September 2009 11:54
by Nobbie
danwoods wrote:Where could mistakes lie?

When installling youur "musicneverstopps" you surely have been asked for the host (domain) name, where you probably entered "localhost". If you would like to run that application from outside, you must not enter "localhost" there, but instead the dyndns domain name. Obviously, the software triggers a redirect to the specified host, which fails in case of "localhost" when running from outside.

You also should supply a valid virtualhost, which points to the LAN IP of the network adapter and where servername is you dyndns domain (and restart Apache after). Example for httpd-vhosts.conf:

Code: Select all
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot /opt/lampp/htdocs

DocumentRoot /opt/lampp/htdocs

where is your servers LAN IP (same as the port forwarding for port 80 in your router)

Re: Super basic: can't access files

PostPosted: 17. September 2009 12:53
by danwoods
Thanks Nobbie. I didn't 'install' musicneversopped, just copied the files over from where I had been developing locally on a development server on my laptop. I've been reading about virtualhost, let me read some more and I'll try what you suggest. Thanks for the reply...

Re: Super basic: can't access files

PostPosted: 18. September 2009 23:33
by Axanon
Edit your hosts file.. something like this:
Code: Select all
sudo gedit /etc/hosts

You will see something like this:
Code: Select all   localhost   yourcomputername

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

Add a line to it like this: (You need to know your IP address on your router, I used as an example, replace it with your address)
Code: Select all yourcomputername theaddress.dyndns.gaveyou

You can also have multiple hostnames (like DynDNS) tied to that IP address. You just add them as needed:
Code: Select all yourcomputername

For more than one address make sure you edit your http-vhosts.conf file properly. Also as a note, anybody on your network who wants to access your sever will need to edit their hosts file the same way.

The reason you are having trouble getting to the dyndns address is because your router has no way to access your outside IP address from the local (internal) network. There's a real technical reason behind this... I'm just not geek enough to remember :P.. hopefully this helps :).

Re: Super basic: can't access files

PostPosted: 22. September 2009 23:17
by danwoods
When entering the addy gave me should I prepend it with http:// or www. ?

Re: Super basic: can't access files

PostPosted: 23. September 2009 09:42
by Nobbie
danwoods wrote:When entering the addy gave me should I prepend it with http:// or www. ?

No, dont prepend http://

Simply enter what you called "" above.