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Databases empty?

PostPosted: 19. June 2009 11:27
by joshb

A couple of our databases seem to have emptied overnight...

In phpMyAdmin they dont have the (x) with the amount of tables after thier name - only on a few though.

In /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mybrokendatabase there are all the files, in total taking up the correct amount of space.

Is there any way I can correct whatever has gone wrong here? Didn't find much on Google, seems mainly how to empty/drop databases...


Re: Databases empty?

PostPosted: 21. June 2009 16:21
by caltuna
Do you use a program that accesses these databases/tables (besides phpMyAdmin?) Maybe you have a bug and it got into a loop and deleted records?

Do you have some backup-restore routine that runs daily? It could have messed up

Were you hacked?

There are lots of things that could empty or corrupt a database.

Re: Databases empty?

PostPosted: 22. June 2009 09:00
by joshb
I went through some of the mysql pages, check tables etc, and found the error to be it couldn't find the correct files - but they were still there. I tried resetting the permissions - this worked, but only when I set full permissions for everyone, which led me to think maybe mysqld had been started as the wrong user, but lampp manages that so im not sure...

Anyway, it works now. Thanks for the suggestions!