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MySQL Permissions

PostPosted: 25. April 2009 07:19
by mileslevi
I just got started and some where along the line I messed up the permissions for /opt/lampp
I set the whole lampp dir to my username.

So now, I guess, this is the reason MySQL wont start.

From mysql err log:

090425 01:58:52 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/lampp/var/mysql
/opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' (errno: 13)
090425 1:58:52 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.
090425 1:58:52 InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ib_logfile0
InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
090425 01:58:52 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ ended

Please Help!!!!!!

Re: MySQL Permissions

PostPosted: 25. April 2009 17:30
by mileslevi