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where the directory location extension file on ubuntu???

PostPosted: 08. December 2008 11:47
by haef

i'm a newbie ...

i want to know whr the location directory to put the extension file php on ubuntu?

on windows i use wampp and i put the php_jedox_palo.dll in C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\ext and configure it on php.ini

now on ubuntu 8.04 i use xampp 1.6.7 and the library file is ...where i must put that file and configure it???
and if there's a file like is that also for extension???

any body can help me?

thx b4


Re: where the directory location extension file on ubuntu???

PostPosted: 08. December 2008 12:08
by Wiedmann
want to know whr the location directory to put the extension file php on ubuntu?

Open the "php.ini" and search for "extension_dir".

Re: where the directory location extension file on ubuntu???

PostPosted: 08. December 2008 12:50
by haef
thx a lot