The best linux to run with LAMPP?

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

The best linux to run with LAMPP?

Postby Reputer » 03. November 2003 12:05

Hi there foulks,

What is the best Linus distribution to run with LAMMP?
What are you running?



I ment Linux ;)

Postby Reputer » 03. November 2003 12:17

Oeps I ment Linux instead of Linus :oops:

Postby Kristian Marcroft » 03. November 2003 12:20


I don't really think there is a "best" Distribution...
I actually think it's the individual choice of every User.
Some like SuSE, some don't...
I don't really like SuSE, but I'm still working with it.
For Server Systems I prefer Debain Woody 3.0.
For a Desktop System I'd probably choose Mandrake.

Others say, that Redhat or SuSE is the best Server System you could choose.
As I said, everyone likes different things...
Some love WinXP (god help them) other hate it and prefer Win2k (not much better really *smile*)

I hope you understand what I'm getting at?
As mentioned above I use Debian woody 3.0 with my XAMPP

So long
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Kristian Marcroft
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Postby Reputer » 03. November 2003 15:19

Can you tel me why you use Debian?
I just installed suse 9 but it isnt working how i want it to work.
Redhat also isnt working that good so im going to try debiian now :D



Postby Kristian Marcroft » 03. November 2003 17:13


I choosed debian, cos it's know to be oine of the best textbased server systems. What I persoanlly like with debian, is the netinstallation.
1 CD a 180MB Download, the restis downloaded from the net, and really only the packages that you really need.

debian is easy to administrate.
Don't really expect anything like yast, it's all FIle based.
And I think due to this, I've learnd more about Linux than I know about windows. Cos all you do in Windows is Klick Yes or Ok.
With Linux specially Debian you can forget this. try looking at Config text files. aso. Thats what I like...

So long
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Kristian Marcroft
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