question about apachetoolbox+LAMPP

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question about apachetoolbox+LAMPP

Postby Guest » 29. October 2003 13:56

i have successfully installed LAMPP, however i am wondering how i can add more compile options, specifically for PHP. I would like to have cURL support for example. is apachetoolbox going to conflict with LAMPP?

Postby Oswald » 29. October 2003 14:28

I never used apachetoolbox so I'm not sure.

But of course you can compile PHP for XAMPP by yourself. Take a look here:

Good luck

PS: If you want I can include PHP-cURL support in the next XAMPP release. The release date will be about next weekend.
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Postby Guest » 29. October 2003 14:46

Yes yes! That will be great! I can wait :D

Another request is PEAR for PHP if possible...

Postby Oswald » 29. October 2003 14:49

No problem. I will compile it tonight.

PEAR is already included! ;)

Greetings to Singapore!
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Postby Guest » 29. October 2003 14:51

yeah! thanks!

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