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Can not install on ubuntu 8.04

PostPosted: 09. June 2008 07:47
by ronaldus

When I download xampp for linux and put the tar file in /opt open terminal and type:
tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar.gz -C /opt
I get the following error message:

tar: xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar.gz: Functie open() is mislukt: file or directory does not exist
tar: Fout is niet herstelbaar -- tar sluit nu af.
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Uitgestelde afbreking na eerdere fouten

Did I do something wrong?
And what might that be then?

Thanks in advance for answering and kind regards,

PostPosted: 17. June 2008 20:54
by puppylnx
You downloaded the wrong language version.

PostPosted: 18. June 2008 11:20
by ronaldus
All right thx !
I'll check and try it out.


PostPosted: 18. June 2008 15:33
by puppylnx
Else you have to open the terminal in the directory where the xampp. gz is located, OR in a terminal, cd into the directory where xampp is located.

PostPosted: 18. June 2008 15:51
by ronaldus

That did the trick...
