Don't laugh, need help with FrontPage Extentions!

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Don't laugh, need help with FrontPage Extentions!

Postby dwatkinsusa » 16. October 2003 00:57

I need to install FrontPage extentions for some users on my system who seem unable to get along without FrontPage.

I obtained the latest gz file and script from Ready to Run Software per a link on Microsoft's Technet site. I've made some progress but now I'm stuck again. Ready to Run basically makes their money selling support for products like this, with a minimum U$245, per incedent charge that I'm not able to pay. Does anyone here have any experience getting this to run. The script complains that the version of Apache is newer than it supports (it supports 2.0??) but I think the problem is either an ownership problem (chown) or a directory structure that is hard coded into the script verses the XAMPP directories that it does not expect. It stops on a gcc error, which I think is a compiler error, complaining that it can't find "mod_frontpage.c" and sure enough the file is not where it's expected. Here is the last part of the script that fails:
WARNING: The Apache you are running is newer than the one
supported by this kit.
You are running Apache 2.0.47 .
This kit supports Apache .
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [N]? y
Using the Apache apxs utility to build
/opt/lampp/build/libtool --silent --mode=compile gcc -prefer-pic -O6 -I/opt/lampp/include -L/opt/lampp/lib -DAP_HAVE_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER -DLINUX=2 -D_REENTRANT -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -I/opt/lampp/include -I/opt/lampp/include -I/opt/lampp/include -I/opt/lampp/include -Dlinux -c -o /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache2/mod_frontpage.lo /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache2/mod_frontpage.c && touch /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache2/mod_frontpage.slo
gcc: /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache2/mod_frontpage.c: No such file or directory
gcc: no input files
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
ERROR: Unable to install mod_frontpage dso

Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.

[root@LinuxServ1 FrontPage]# cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache2
[root@LinuxServ1 apache2]# ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 bin bin 4096 Oct 15 04:56 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 bin bin 4096 Oct 15 04:54 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 15 04:56 .libs
BTW I ran "chown bin:bin .libs" and ran the script again with the same results.

Thanks in advance for any help. I hate to admit defeat on something like this. You know how I feel? I can supply a link to my FTP server if you want to see a copy of the script file or in fact the .gz file. Just ask.
David Watkins
Louisville Colorado US
Posts: 1
Joined: 16. October 2003 00:08
Location: Colorado US

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