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PHP Fails to Load

PostPosted: 09. July 2007 13:50
by irvingw

I have a problem (reoccurring) where after a time PHP will fail to load. I solved this (so I thought) by upgrading to 1.6.2 - however the problem is back. I am fairly sure that if I could run the upgrade package again this would fix the problem.

Unfortunately there seems to be no way to do this.

Any ideas?

PostPosted: 09. July 2007 14:05
by irvingw
samsa:/opt/lampp/bin # ldconfig -v | grep php
ldconfig: Can't stat /usr/X11R6/lib/Xaw3d: No such file or directory
ldconfig: Can't stat /usr/lib/Xaw3d: No such file or directory
ldconfig: Can't stat /usr/i386-suse-linux/lib: No such file or directory
ldconfig: Cannot stat /opt/kde3/lib/ No such file or directory

this is confusing to me...

PostPosted: 09. July 2007 14:13
by irvingw

samsa:/opt/lampp # ./lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.6.2...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.

still gives me a server that will not parse php files properly.