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Howto make Apache available over the network

PostPosted: 23. May 2007 21:08
by brunomiguel
Hi. I downloaded lampp and I need it to be only available over my network, but I can't access it. How can I do it? I've searched in the forum, but I didn't find an answer.

PostPosted: 23. May 2007 22:45
by Makuro
Hi brunomiguel,

so, just to review your problem.

you installed xampp on your linux machine and started it also yes?

you want to access xampp only over your lan ip.

which means on and not on the internet ip did i get you right?

PostPosted: 23. May 2007 22:49
by brunomiguel
Yes, I have installed xampp. And yes, I only want to enable access in my lan.

PostPosted: 23. May 2007 23:04
by brunomiguel
I just found the problem. I'm using a proxy and, although I had defined my lan ip range not to use the proxy, in firefox, it was using it...
I had but, when I changed it to, it worked.
It's probably a bug in Firefox.

Thanks for the help!

PostPosted: 24. May 2007 11:26
by Wiedmann
I had

I think you mean

PostPosted: 24. May 2007 12:55
by brunomiguel
Nop. I really mean Since I changed it to, it worked

PostPosted: 24. May 2007 13:17
by Wiedmann
Nop. I really mean

255 (or 200) is not a valid value for the netmask in CIDR notation.

PostPosted: 24. May 2007 13:47
by brunomiguel
I believe you. But it's working with 200

PostPosted: 24. May 2007 13:54
by Wiedmann
But it's working with 200

That only seems so.

Thus I think, it's nevertheless a good idea to make it correct.