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PostPosted: 17. February 2007 14:03
by jabberwock
any folder that has a .htaccess in it is being hidden to the general public thus making it kind of hard to know the folder name without already being authed to it, I've looked at the httpd.conf and cannot find anything about this, if anyone knows a solution I would be very grateful.

PostPosted: 17. February 2007 14:11
by Wiedmann
any folder that has a .htaccess in it is being hidden to the general public

What did you mean with "hidden"?

(OK, you need user/pass to access such a folder).

PostPosted: 18. February 2007 05:20
by jabberwock
Hidden as in, here's a list of folders


DirA and b have .htaccess

therefore only DirC would show unless you hit a direct link to auth. ex. Then it would prompt for username & password.

PostPosted: 18. February 2007 12:06
by Wiedmann
Hidden as in, here's a list of folders

OK, you are talking about the automatic directory listing.

I've looked at the httpd.conf and cannot find anything about this,

You have read the documentation for "mod_autoindex"?