Newby Needs A Little Help. PLEASE!!

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Newby Needs A Little Help. PLEASE!!

Postby Guest » 02. September 2003 14:29

Hi everybody firstly just like to say WOW this is the first thing i have run on my linux red hat 9.0 box that worked straight of the bat... No compiling, fidiling or mucking around just one line of code and wahmoo its done. TOP JOB!!!

Okay now for the real reason I am here I need a little help so here goes!

1) PHP My admin does not ask for a user name or password is this becuase I need to set up the security as I have been intructed on your site?

2) How Do I add add new users.... And relate them to there website? For example I set up a virtual host for

How do I make a user account for them in PHP My Admin to reflect there virtual host account?

3) The same as above but for FTP Email and a CGI Bin how do I add this to there virtual host information? Also with the CGI Bin how do you add it to there root directory for example

Virtual Host -
CGI Bin Location - /opt/lampp/htdocs/
Email Access
FTP Access Directs to - /opt/lampp/htdocs/

In other words PLEASE HELP i am totally lost I read all the guides and it just confused me even more! I really would like to figure out how make a virtual host with all the features straight away.

OHHHH and finally I no to set up a virtual host you need to restart apache is there a way around it or not... There has to be I would say if all the web hosting companys had to restart apache every time they added a new account the internet would die. So how do you do it?

Sorry if this seems like alot but I am in serious need of help. I am goign to and continue to try myself but I am in deep water. Thanks heaps for the effort this is the best setup I have seen....

Postby Oswald » 02. September 2003 14:41

Dear Unknown!

Thank for the compliments! :)

I'm very busy a the moment so I can only answer two of your questions. I sure there are others who are able to help you in the other questions.

phpMyAdmin asking for a password

Yes, you're right. Unless you called /opt/lampp/lampp security to set passwords for your applications phpMyAdmin won't ask you.

restarting Apache

In most cases you don't need to restart the Apache completly. It's sufficient to reload it:

Simply type: /opt/lampp/lampp reloadapache

That's all for now. I've to get back to work to get some money! ;)

Many greetings,
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Postby Guest » 02. September 2003 14:57


Set up the security thingy and it looks much better now... I will keep coding and try to figure the rest out!

Also do you guys have a donation or wish list or maybe even you need some free hosting??? As I think you need a fund to keep you going GEEEZ if ever body threw in a couple bucks it would be well worth it for you. So let me no if you have any way to support you guys... MONEY / FREE WEB HOSTING let me know you deserve it.

By the way I am

Please dont laugh I may run a web hosting company but playing with APACHE is all new to me as I just resell and do not configure anything some one else does that for me. Hence the need to learn this software!!!

Postby nemesis » 02. September 2003 23:45 ... #xtra-conf

i think that are one of the most types in big hosting companys

the same example with comments, and some other nice tips:

Mass Virtual Hosting uhm... some details about vhosts :) very good docs ;)

It takes sometimes there time to learn and understand it, but it should be the first reference for questions about "how work it".

my two cents about our busines, 99% uptime are not very much when you calculate it up to and year :)

sorry for my bad english....
Ubuntu 18.04 | SMP P3 1.4 GHz | 6 GByte RegECC | 74 GByte Seagate 15k5 system | 3Ware 9550SXU-4LP with 4x 500 GByte Seagate ES2 Raid 10 data | StoreCase DE400 | PX-230A | Intel Pro/1000MT Dual PCI-X
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Postby Guest » 05. September 2003 08:16

No worries about the bad englsih its the thought that counts thanks heaps for those links the docs really helped I figured out the cgi-bin thing now!!!

Heres how my virtual host should look with cgi.. ( for any body else who needs to no how set up a cgi bin)

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /opt/lampp/htdocs/
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/
Alias /images/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/

If your are using X windows just go to the doucment root of the site and creat the folder cgi-bin WHAMMOO your done..

Now I am onto the FTP and EMAIL the FTP confused the hell out of me so I will try and tackle the EMAIL first.... Keep you posted!!!

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