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XAMPP w/PG addon: Cannot drop database.

PostPosted: 05. October 2006 14:44
by greno
I am receiving the following error when trying to drop a database using XAMPP 1.5.4.a w/Postgresql Addon (for 1.5.0|PG8.1):

SQL error:

ERROR: cannot drop the currently open database

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /opt/lampp/phppgadmin/libraries/adodb/ on line 497

I've searched on this error but have not found any solution.

PostPosted: 05. October 2006 15:00
by Wiedmann
You have two errors:
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /opt/lampp/phppgadmin/libraries/adodb/ on line 497

Use a newer version of adodb (without this "bug"). As a result of this "bug", this library don't (can't) close the active database connection.

ERROR: cannot drop the currently open database

Within the postgresql server, you can't drop a database while you have a active database connection to the database you want drop (see point 1).

XAMPP w/PG addon: Cannot drop database.

PostPosted: 06. October 2006 01:05
by greno
Could you recommend a version? I upgraded to a very recent version and it is throwing errors:

Notice: Undefined property: ADORecordSet_postgres7::$f in /opt/lampp/phppgadmin/classes/database/ADODB_base.php on line 120

Warning: require_once(./classes/database/-3.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/phppgadmin/libraries/ on line 163

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './classes/database/-3.php' (include_path='.:/opt/lampp/lib/php') in /opt/lampp/phppgadmin/libraries/ on line 163