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Read-only mode in mysql?

PostPosted: 11. September 2006 22:45
by Snouser
I took a backup of my old xampp version when i upgraded my system from debian to Slackware. But now i've some problems. I tooked a copy of my htdocs folder and /opt/lampp/var/mysql folder.

When i now, after the backup restore my backuped files i get the error massage that just those sql i backuped i in read-only mode.

So my question to all of you, is how to restore the read and write mode in my sql-base.

PostPosted: 12. September 2006 00:20
by Dave_L
What is the exact error message that is displayed, and when do you get that message?

PostPosted: 12. September 2006 13:01
by Snouser

Code: Select all
SQL Error
Table 'topics' is read only

in /opt/lampp/htdocs/include/cleanup.php, line 185

That's just one of my errors, but all of them is coused by the read-only mode that my table-bases are in.

EDIT: I've the same problem as this guy;

PostPosted: 12. September 2006 14:35
by Dave_L
Does the MySQL user under which you're accessing the database have sufficient grants to modify the table?