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Problem with Mysqladmin

PostPosted: 26. June 2006 10:06
by tamamanquitaime
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to set a password for root on PHPMyAdmin, but it won't work :

Code: Select all
root@xxxxxxxx :/opt/lampp/bin# ./mysqladmin -u root password secret
./mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

Has anyone an idea about this ?

Thanks a lot !

PostPosted: 27. June 2006 11:20
by tamamanquitaime
I forgot to tell : I'm running Xampp 1.5.1 on an Ubuntu Breezy Badger (2.6.12-9-386)

PostPosted: 27. June 2006 13:05
by Wiedmann
You have allready a passwort set for this user. So you have to use username and passwort for the connection and not only the username.

PostPosted: 27. June 2006 13:44
by tamamanquitaime
I don't remember having specified a password, and the usual one won't work aparently. Is there any way to specify a new one ? I have a full access (also physically) to the server...

Thanks a lot