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help me ! SSL does not work ! type https:// comes out error

PostPosted: 31. December 2005 12:29
by ezstarsoft
I start lampp on my server and messages say :
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP4)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.

unfortunately SSL does not work when i type , it works normally with http , i wonder why SSL not work ? i didnt change any thing about SSL stuff i only changed in httpd.conf :

DocumentRoot /www/realtorvn
# ServerAlias lists.*
# UseCanonicalName Off
# ScriptAlias /mailman/ /var/mailman/cgi-bin/
# Alias /icons/ /var/www/icons/
# Alias /pipermail/ /var/mailman/archives/public/
# <Directory /var/mailman/archives/>
# Options FollowSymLinks
# </Directory>

does this config cause SSL not to work in my site ? so what is about solution ? i want 2 domains parking on and both sites should access via SSL ? or both sites should access via a common SSL address ? plz help me out ! much appreciated !

By the way , anyone knows to add (recompiled or whatsoever ) PHP callback handle extension for LAMPP which supports Upload progress event programming so that i can script to tracking how many percent being uploaded . By default PHP engine does not support this but someone has done a extension for it right ? i wonder who know the way to add it to lampp system ?