Password donot work, Help Plz....

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Password donot work, Help Plz....

Postby Manny » 23. May 2003 20:32

Hi everybody, need some help. Did everything by the book and lampp is working by the book also, but there is a problem out of my reach. I am using Redhat linux 9 and lampp ver. 0.9.9a. I did the setting for security and when I access the main page the first time it did askme for a second password setting wich I did. Then when I try to access the page again it keep asking for a password, I try the first and the second but it didnt work. I have unistall lampp four times and is working like I said before without the password, once I set the password it wont let me access the main page. Tkz. a lot.


Postby Oswald » 24. May 2003 09:49

Dear Manny!

Please use the username "lampp" and your password.

I know this information is hard to find but I had no better idea where to put it. Take a look at the messages when you started lampp security:

LAMPP: Quick security check...
LAMPP: Your LAMPP pages are NOT secured by a password.
LAMPP: Do you want to set a password? [yes]
LAMPP: Password: ***
LAMPP: Password (again): ***
LAMPP: Password protection active. Please use 'lampp' as user name!
LAMPP: MySQL is accessable via network.
LAMPP: Normaly that's not recommended. Do you want me to turn it off? [yes]

May be you know a better place to put this information?

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Password problem

Postby Manny » 24. May 2003 14:38

Hi, Oswald!

Thats what I did the first time and then when I was ask if I want to make the system more secure with another password I did. After that neither password is working even after I unistall Lampp four times. Is there a way to bring my system back to the original state before I install Lampp and start all over again, I am talking about a hidden file, Tkz. again.


Re: Password problem

Postby Joe » 30. May 2003 20:56

Manny wrote:Hi, Oswald!

Thats what I did the first time and then when I was ask if I want to make the system more secure with another password I did. After that neither password is working even after I unistall Lampp four times. Is there a way to bring my system back to the original state before I install Lampp and start all over again, I am talking about a hidden file, Tkz. again.


I have the same problem on RH9 i install the patch (Rh9 fix), but still the problem persists, I keep coming back to the dialog box to login.
thanks in adv.

Postby Oswald » 31. May 2003 12:03

Dear Manny, dear Joe!

I'm sorry, but I can't find the error you're describing. But let us take a look step by step:

1. I installed LAMPP on a RH9 box.
2. I started LAMPP by /opt/lampp/lampp start
3. I used my browser to access http://localhost
4. Everything works fine: the test, the examples, webalizer and also phpMyAdmin.
5. I called /opt/lampp/lampp security and set all possible passwords to 123
6. I used again my browser to access http://localhost
7. A dialog box asking for a username and a password. I entered lampp as username and 123 as password.
8. I got access to the demo pages. Everything works fine.
9. After that I clicked on the phpMyadmin button on the left navigation.
10. Now phpMyAdmin asks for authentication. I entered the username root and the password 123. Again everythings works fine.

I also tested the access via ProFTPD (username nobody and password 123) and that's also working.

At which of the above steps do you got the problem of the reappearing dialog box?

By the way: tomorrow I will release a new version of LAMPP with up-to-date versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin. But I'm not sure it will help solving your problem.

Many greetings from Germany,
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Same problem but with phpmyadmin

Postby dukarc » 14. July 2005 16:27

I'm getting the same genre of problem after I run
/opt/lampp/lampp security on a fresh install

http://localhost will work with the password I enter

however when i go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin I can't log in.

I set all the passwords the same and have tried various different usernames (lampp, root, etc.) however I still cant get access.

If there is no quick fix to this, It would be nice to know where i can manually change the login information for MySQL and PHPMYADMIN.


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