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quick question

PostPosted: 19. April 2005 06:00
by Metzger
I untar xampp.

Run ./lampp start (no errors)

Go to http://localhost.

Click Status.

MySQL database is DEACTIVATED.

Is that normal?

PostPosted: 19. April 2005 07:18
by Kristian Marcroft

1. you should start lampp the way its written on our Page:
/opt/lampp/lampp start

2. Does phpMyAdmin work?

So long

PostPosted: 19. April 2005 16:08
by Metzger
Ok, I started it your way... remember, I've edited no config files.

PHPMyAdmin says...

#2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

Shouldn't this work "out of the box"?

PostPosted: 19. April 2005 18:14
by Kristian Marcroft

normally yes...
But.. it looks like its not on your System.
Please check the MySQL error log.

So long

PostPosted: 24. April 2005 06:22
by Metzger
Where is XAMPP's MySQL error log located?

I know the normal MySQL is in /var/log or something similar.

PostPosted: 24. April 2005 09:42
by Dave_L

PostPosted: 19. May 2005 08:34
by Metzger
When I type "/opt/lampp/lampp start" and then "/opt/lampp/lampp stop", it says:

XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: XAMPP-MySQL is not running.
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.

Just did a fresh "install" and tried it again.

There's a file with my hostname.err in /opt/lampp/var/mysql , but it's blank..