Starting Lammp automaticly

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Starting Lammp automaticly

Postby Repute » 12. January 2003 14:49

How do i let redhat start lammp at startup?
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Postby Oswald » 12. January 2003 15:07

Dear Repute.

Ok. Let's try a step by step way...

Step 1: Find out what runlevel your system normaly uses. You can do this by typing egrep :initdefault /etc/inittab. You should now see something like:


In this case 3 is your runlevel. Another common runlevel is - by the way - 5.

Step 2: Go into the directory which configures your runlevel. If your runlevel is 3 than you shoud do: cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d

Step 3: Set up two symbolic link to the LAMPP start script:
ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp S69lampp
ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp K01lampp

That's all. As far as I know it should work this way on Red Hat.

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Postby Guest » 12. March 2003 00:24

Danke Kai

Diese erkärung hatt auch mir geholfen



a 13 year old Newbie

Postby Morpheus » 12. March 2003 13:44

Könnte man dies nicht irgendwie in die Dokumentation einbauen?
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Postby Oswald » 12. March 2003 16:24

Ähh.. ja, warum eigentlich nicht... mach ich gleich mal.. danke für den Tip! ;)
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