XAMPP overwritting access log directives

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP overwritting access log directives

Postby NancyJ » 26. July 2006 16:50

This is a major pain in the backside as we have lost more than a weeks worth of statistics because of it.
Basically the access log got over 2gb because of a problem rotating the log, we manually fixed that problem but since then all the logging for the 1 domain we care about has been going in /opt/lampp/logs/access_log instead of /home/access_log_domain.
I've removed (instead of just commented out) all references to /logs/access_log and still the problem persists.
I've deleted the log files and restarted and still it recreates the file. I even renamed the file to something stupid and it kept writing to the file.
When you start up apache it creates new log files (where they're supposed to be) but as soon as we get traffic it all goes back in that access_log file where it shouldnt be.
There is nothing in any of my apache config that is telling it to do this, xampp must be overwritting it but I cannot find any reason why.
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Joined: 19. May 2006 17:11

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