relation ddclient and Lampp

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

relation ddclient and Lampp

Postby Dulle » 18. February 2006 10:24

Hello all.

I installed a few days ago lampp on fedora core 4.

Before I did run my websites on fedora core 2, unfortunatly fc4 comes with php5 and that didn't work for a couple of my websites.

The installation went fine, no problems what so ever. I created my vhosts in httpd-vhosts-config.
Everything works except my ddclient, which worked fine before the lampp installation.

I did notice that there is a ddclient in lampp.

My questions :

How do I get ddclient to update my ip (dynamical one) ? :oops:
And how does the lampp ddclient relates to fedora core ? :?

I did search in english and german forum, could not find any answer to my questions.

What I did so far is copy the ddclient file from /opt/lampp/bin/ddclient to the fc4 dir etc/init.d/

I also did run webmin .... would it be wiser to uninstall it and install the addon webmin for xampp ?

All help is welcome in english, deutch, french and dutch !
Posts: 1
Joined: 18. February 2006 10:06

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