Wishlist for next -includes release

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Wishlist for next -includes release

Postby tarjei » 12. November 2005 15:52

Hi, I thought I'd just note a few simple requirements for the next version of LAMPP-includes. This is after building both xdebug and Midgard for lamp.

1. Before you overwrite the php4 headers in the /opt/lampp/include/php/ directory with the php5 ones, make a copy of the directory and place it f.x in /opt/lampp/include/php4 so that it is easy to move the correct headers back if you need to compole an extra php4 module.

(I think there's a --includes option in php4 configure so you might be able to use that to place the headers somewhere else by default, that would probably be the best option.

Also, if you got any instructions on how libaries should be compiled/configured so I do not need to modify /etc/ld.so.conf I would be very happy!
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Joined: 12. November 2005 15:46

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