Install problems...

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Install problems...

Postby RobyRu62 » 29. March 2024 17:20

Hi, I've installed the last version 8.2.12 everything looking perfect no errors BUT Apache web server doesn't start! I try to change the default port (80) with 8080 but nothing changes... I've tried with version 8.1.25 but happens exactly the same!
I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS in a Dell Inc. Inspiron 5570 (64-bit), Intel® Core™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz × 8, RAM 32.0 GiB, GNOME version 42.9.
All logs are empty!
MySQL is running,
ProFTPD is running,
Apache Web Server is stopped!!!
Anything is working in Windows 10! BUT I want to move from windows OS to a Linux OS...
Thank you all in advances!!!
Posts: 4
Joined: 29. March 2024 16:51
XAMPP version: 8.2.12
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64-bit)

Re: Install problems...

Postby RobyRu62 » 04. April 2024 16:21

I've resolved the installation problems: it was another instance of apache was running... shutdown it, uninstall xampp and reinstall it and all servers start and links in dashboard works properly...
BUT creating a drupal 10 project the install process stopped for permission problems... I've tried everything! .. also login in UBUNTU as root user but the install process stopped ALWAYS in the same, the best in my opinion: DONT' USE UBUNTU XAMPP TO WORK WITH DRUPAL 10 TO AVOID TO LOSS POWER AND TIME!!!
Posts: 4
Joined: 29. March 2024 16:51
XAMPP version: 8.2.12
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64-bit)

Re: Install problems...

Postby Nobbie » 04. April 2024 19:10


My advice would be: get you a linux doc and learn how to manage and configure file and user rights. Thats way better than to cry about missing knowledge.
Posts: 13274
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Install problems...

Postby RobyRu62 » 05. April 2024 07:03

I've read documentation, specially about permissions and every settings was correct: from folder to files included the instal.php script (drupal core folder) was enabled to execution...Last attempt I've been logged in the system as root but nothing change... I'm not an Linux expert but I start to program in '79 and I always work in ICT environment... Now I'm moving from winduws to Linux and I've to move sites from xampp (windows) to xampp (linux) I was thinking was the easier way but, probably, I did a mistake... In the drupal official documentation "xampp" is treated superficially for windows and worse for xampp in linux environment... In fact they recommend using other development environments such as ddev and lamp stack... I was wrong to insist because during the installation phase Apache did not start since the service was already active and, by changing the port, it continued to have problems which I solved by modifying all the ports involved... but phpmyadmin did not start... Subsequently I I did the experiment, as I said, of uninstalling xampp completely, restarting my computer, disabling the automatic (!!!) startup of Apache and proceeding with the installation and everything worked the first time. Therefore, during installation the script should detect that port 80 is occupied and by what, then allow you to change port effectively so that everything works...
Posts: 4
Joined: 29. March 2024 16:51
XAMPP version: 8.2.12
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64-bit)

Re: Install problems...

Postby Nobbie » 05. April 2024 11:11

RobyRu62 wrote:I've read documentation, specially about permissions and every settings was correct: from folder to files included the instal.php script (drupal core folder) was enabled to execution..

... what is plain nonsense and not what you need. You need to change user and group of htdocs folder and subsequent folders in order to allow Apache to create and change files and folders. Apache runs with its own Userid (and NOT with the Userid you are logged in), which is determined by the values of "User" and "Group" in httpd.conf.

It does not help anything if you are logged in as root, as you are not owner of the Apache process (which also executes the PHP interpreter). And finally, execution rights for files arent needed at all, as the PHP scripts are not executed, they are interpreted by Apache/PHP and arent executed directly.

Use chown and chmod commands in order to change ownership and rights of htdocs etc.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Install problems...

Postby RobyRu62 » 05. April 2024 12:12

Thanks a lot! I was reading drupal documentation and I was reading what you write to me... I was hoping to have not to change permissions for all site folders, files... That's why I've enabled login as root... but it doesn't work anyway, so, now I've to change permissions folder by folder... maybe it will be a good idea to create a script to do this for each site to run in the site's root... I like to do job one time for ever (if it's possible).Thank's a lot specially for your patience!
Posts: 4
Joined: 29. March 2024 16:51
XAMPP version: 8.2.12
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64-bit)

Re: Install problems...

Postby Nobbie » 05. April 2024 18:17

RobyRu62 wrote:now I've to change permissions folder by folder...

This is one (of many) advantages of Linux over Windows. There are powerfull commands doing everything you need. In your case you can do this:

Code: Select all
sudo find /opt/lampp/htdocs -type d -exec chmod 0777 {} \;

Enter that command in a terminal (copy & paste!), it changes htdocs and each subfolder to "full permission" for everybody. That should be sufficient already. Keep in mind you have to apply your password when using "sudo".

Finally, if you want, you may change User and Group setting of Apache in httpd.conf to fit your needs. Lets say you are logged in as User "Roby" and Group "Roby", you may change httpd.conf from Xampp: search for User and Group setting and change it to:

Code: Select all
User Roby
Group Roby

At next, change ownership of htdocs and subsequent folders to your own UserId and Group. As you would like to change ALL files (not only folders) in htdocs, its getting easier now. Use this command to change ownership of all folders and files beyond htdocs (including htdocs):

Code: Select all
sudo chown -R Roby:Roby /opt/lampp/htdocs

After this, all folders and files from htdocs are yours. Finally start Apache and it will run with your UserID and Group. From now you simply can create new files and folders without any problems in htdocs and use it for Apache. Replace "Roby:Roby" if necessary by your true User/Group setting.

Now you can install Drupal and whatever you want. Simply create new subfolder in htdocs (like "drupal") and put the installation files into. Finally start installation via http://localhost/drupal/install.php or similar (i dont know Drupal installation) in your browser.
Posts: 13274
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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