Xhampp return 503 error when I want access it from internet

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xhampp return 503 error when I want access it from internet

Postby amrasouli79 » 17. April 2019 12:54

Hi I I want access to Xhampp htdocs folder. I will see an error (503 error the service is unavailable).
If I want access it from local-host or or even my public IP address (in my network) every thing is OK.

but when I try to access my public IP address (173.32.xx.xx - something like this). the only thing that I can see is this 503 error
Posts: 1
Joined: 16. April 2019 20:40
XAMPP version: 7.1
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04

Re: Xhampp return 503 error when I want access it from inter

Postby Nobbie » 17. April 2019 16:54

The public IP address like 173.32.xx.xx usually is assigned to your router, not to your local PC. Only if you do not use a router and access the internet directly with your PC (a very rare case), then 173.32.xx.xx is assigned to your PC.

If you are running a router, you must establish port forwarding for Port 80 (amd optionally for 443 if you want use https) for you Xampp PC. Otherwise the router answers to the request and it has no Xampp installed.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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