Unistall Xampp

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Unistall Xampp

Postby WilsonFragata » 15. September 2018 03:26

Hello all,
I want to unistall xampp, because I can't run it in my Ubuntu 18.04LTS. I don't know why it is not running. So I prefer unistall and maybe reinstall again.
Someone could teach me how unistall xampp by Terminal.

Posts: 5
Joined: 15. September 2018 03:20
XAMPP version: xampp-linux-x64-7.2.9-0
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04LTS

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby Nobbie » 15. September 2018 09:17

sudo rm -rf /opt/lampp

Anyway, reinstalling usually does not solve any problem, it would be far better you explain more precisely what exactly is going wrong.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby WilsonFragata » 16. September 2018 05:17

my friend, your command doesn't run.
any way, I simply cannot install xampp on my Ubuntu, I don't know the reasons. For example, in FAQ page xampp, I saw this instructions:

How do I install XAMPP?
Choose your flavor for your linux OS, the 32-bit or 64-bit version.

Change the permissions to the installer

chmod 755 xampp-linux-*-installer.run

Run the installer

sudo ./xampp-linux-*-installer.run

Ok right, so when i command: chmod 755 xampp-linux-*-installer.run + enter, appears that:

chmod: não foi possível acessar 'xampp-linux-*-installer.run': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
chmo isn't possible access 'xampp-linux-*-installer.run': file ou directory nonexistent

and so on only problems
So, I command: sudo ./xampp-linux-*-installer.run + enter and then i get to install, but the installation was not complete
I can't run the software, I can't to config Apache, MSQL and etc.
that's because I want to unistall e reinstall again

Thank you
Posts: 5
Joined: 15. September 2018 03:20
XAMPP version: xampp-linux-x64-7.2.9-0
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04LTS

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby Nobbie » 16. September 2018 11:02

WilsonFragata wrote:my friend, your command doesn't run.

It DEFINATELY does run, but if it does not work as expected, it means, that there is NOT installed ANYTHING. No Xampp at all!

WilsonFragata wrote:any way, I simply cannot install xampp on my Ubuntu, I don't know the reasons.

The reason is, you are total newbie and that makes it a little more difficult. You are doing lots of things wrong, we will find out:

WilsonFragata wrote:Ok right, so when i command: chmod 755 xampp-linux-*-installer.run + enter, appears that:

chmod: não foi possível acessar 'xampp-linux-*-installer.run': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
chmo isn't possible access 'xampp-linux-*-installer.run': file ou directory nonexistent

That means, there is no Xampp installer at all! There are three different reasons:

1) Maybe your download has failed, you did not download anything.
2) Maybe you downloaded the installer, but you mistyped something in that command.
3) Maybe you downloaded the installer and you typed everything correctly, but you are not in the folder, where you downloaded the file. Every download is stored into a folder and you have to change directory into that folder before doing anything.

So lets find out, start a terminal, then enter this command:

Code: Select all
ls xampp*run

If nothing shows up, the file is NOT in your home folder. Otherwise the full file name should show up.
If nothing shows up, lets try the Downloads folder of your home:

Code: Select all
cd Downloads

and then again enter

Code: Select all
ls xampp*run

If still nothing shows up, something has gone wrong with the download, you have to download it again.

Otherwise, now you can enter the first command from the installation description, you may shorten the file name even more to avoid mistyping it:

Code: Select all
chmod 755 ./xampp*run

and then:

Code: Select all
sudo ./xampp*run

This finally should start the installer,a grafical installer will start. BEWARE: there is NO Xampp for 32bit linux, you MUST HAVE a 64bit Linux installed. If you have 32bit Ubuntu, you CANNOT install Xampp.
Posts: 13221
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby WilsonFragata » 20. September 2018 00:59

Hi my friend
Let's forget the past, now I did install normally Xampp on my PC.
But from now, I have other problem:
Apache Web Serve is ok, ProFTPD is ok, but MySQL Database is stopped, never running, why? what can I do to solve this?

Thank you

Posts: 5
Joined: 15. September 2018 03:20
XAMPP version: xampp-linux-x64-7.2.9-0
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04LTS

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby Nobbie » 20. September 2018 15:12

WilsonFragata wrote: but MySQL Database is stopped, never running, why? what can I do to solve this?

Usually this is because you already have another MySQL installation up and running. Maybe you explicitely installed MySQL from the Ubuntu repository, or it has been installed implicitely as a side effect for any other tool which requires MySQL. Maybe you remember, what you installed.

You cannot install and run MySQL twice, therefore Xampps MySQL does not run if there already runs another MySQL. If you dont remember, either run the Ubuntu Software Manager and try to find it, if MySQL is installed, or try to find out if there is a process running on your machine called "mysqld" (usually /usr/bin/mysql). You can use "top" or "ps -fe" in a terminal to look for processes.

You have to stop that installation at least, or de-install it, IF you want to run Xampps MySQL.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby WilsonFragata » 22. September 2018 18:46

Hi my friend,
You are right! Few weeks ago, I had instal MySQL Server + MySQL Workbench. Then I uninstall both and I restarted the pc.

And even so, I cannot run MySQL Server! Apache + ProFTPD as before, is ok.

So what can I do now?

P.S.: Can we talk by Whatsapp or Skype or other communicator? I'd like to show some pictures (prints) or share screen, I think that's faster to solve the problem.

Thank you!

Posts: 5
Joined: 15. September 2018 03:20
XAMPP version: xampp-linux-x64-7.2.9-0
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04LTS

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby Nobbie » 23. September 2018 16:38

WilsonFragata wrote:So what can I do now?

Learn Linux? Maybe uninstall Ubuntu and setup a clean new installation?

WilsonFragata wrote:Can we talk by Whatsapp or Skype or other communicator

No, that is too much. I cannot debug your Operating System, you have to learn Linux on yourself.
Posts: 13221
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unistall Xampp

Postby WilsonFragata » 23. September 2018 19:49

ok I already solve this problem, i commanded "purge" and it remove all remnant of mysql in my pc.
then xampp open mysql normally
Posts: 5
Joined: 15. September 2018 03:20
XAMPP version: xampp-linux-x64-7.2.9-0
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04LTS

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