Xampp Forwarding with HTTPS

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp Forwarding with HTTPS

Postby sudipwadikar » 04. March 2015 15:42

Hello ALL,

I Have two ubuntu servers AAA and BBB both server having install Xampp version 5.5.19.

On first server AAA there is only xampp installed. and on Second server BBB xampp as well as my code is deployed.So i want to create the following scenario.

When user want to access my server index.html of second server BBB page. first users request is coming to the AAA server and then the request is forwards to BBB .
I have generate this scenario using Proxypass Method changes in httpd.conf file.But all this works with only http request.

So my question is how to forward the https request with same scenario, and which files i need to change on both servers. Also second question is on both server we need to configure https or No?
Posts: 1
Joined: 04. March 2015 15:27
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Re: Xampp Forwarding with HTTPS

Postby Nobbie » 04. March 2015 21:36

Sorry, i am really not an expert on this, but I remember something like "balanced Server" and when i googled for that, i found this (hopefully usefull) documentation:

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mo ... ancer.html

Please dont ask me anything about that, i definately have no expirience about proxy_balancer, but on a quick view it seems to be not to bad. Maybe it can help you.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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