Move from htdocs [Solved]

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Move from htdocs [Solved]

Postby kimmy » 19. January 2013 05:08

Has or is there a guide to move from opt/lampp/htdocs/site files


opt/lampp/htdocs/public_html/site files

i really dont want a file name in my domain name so i use the htdocs folder but i have a script that wont work from the htdocs but does if its in htdocs/forum/index.php

Would i be lucky if i just made the folder and put my files/folders in there and set permissions ?

EDIT Solved rewrote the script
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Joined: 21. September 2012 17:50
Operating System: unity 64bit

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