Xampp 1.8.0 and XDEBUG missing php.h file?

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp 1.8.0 and XDEBUG missing php.h file?

Postby berniev » 15. September 2012 09:41

Trying to install XDEBUG.
Make complains missing php.h file
There is only one on my system (ubuntu 11.10) and it is for an older version (PHP_API_VERSION 20090626, PHP 5.3.something)
Should php.h be part of the 1.80 update?
What can be done to fix?
Thank you.

Update: I've downloaded the php 5.4.4 sources and found php.h and php_version.h, but there is no zend_config.h.
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Re: Xampp 1.8.0 and XDEBUG missing php.h file?

Postby leandrw » 24. October 2012 04:59

Ops, I think is a little to late but, the solution:
First download the xampp-linux-devel (you can find here ==> http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html), then extract the archive to the same directory that you have extracted you xammp (usually /opt/lammp/). You can to that with this command:
Code: Select all
$ sudo tar xzf xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar.gz -C /opt

Finally repeat the xdebug compile process. If you get some warnings with autoconfig just run this command in terminal:
Code: Select all
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf

Try to compile the xdebug again. In my Ubuntu 12.10 just worked and now I'm using xdebug + xampp normally. Sorry for my poor English, I'm still too bad in this language but I'll improve my skills.
+info: http://theindexer.wordpress.com/2008/06/11/installing-xdebug-on-xampp-for-linux/
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Joined: 24. October 2012 04:45
Operating System: Linux

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