Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta 4-8 (now 1.7.6)

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta 4-8 (now 1.7.6)

Postby bigpcman » 29. July 2011 01:46

Does anyone have test results to report on Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4. What problems and limitations found in Xampp 1.7.4 does it fix, if any?
Remember these:http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=44327
I'm surprised there is no conversation going on about this beta release given the commotion that release 1.7.4 created.

Com-on guys - What's Up! :wink:

Follow the tread to get an idea of why so many beta releases.
Last edited by bigpcman on 19. September 2011 15:22, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4

Postby bigpcman » 03. August 2011 19:56

I can't believe out of 43632 users nobody will report on the test results of Xampp 1.7.5-beta.

What's going on here?
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby bigpcman » 19. August 2011 23:43

OK, now we are up to beta version 7 so someone must have actually installed and tested the 1.7.5 beta version. How about some feedback people!

The release notes (see below) don't offer any insight into what 1.7.4 version problems have been fixed.

[2011-08-18] XAMPP for Linux 1.7.5-beta7

Code: Select all
This version of XAMPP includes:
    - Apache 2.2.19
    - MySQL 5.5.15
    - PHP 5.3.7
    - Perl 5.10.1
    - ProFTPD 1.3.3e
    - phpMyAdmin
    - OpenSSL 1.0.0c
    - GD 2.0.1
    - Freetype 2.1.7
    - libjpeg 6b
    - libpng 1.2.12
    - gdbm 1.8.0
    - zlib 1.2.3
    - expat 1.95.2
    - Sablotron 1.0
    - libxml 2.7.6
    - libxslt 1.1.26
    - Ming 0.4.3
    - Webalizer 2.21-02
    - pdf class 009e
    - ncurses 5.7
    - mod_perl 2.0.5
    - FreeTDS 0.63
    - gettext 0.17
    - IMAP C-Client 2007e
    - OpenLDAP (client) 2.4.21
    - mhash library 0.8.18
    - mcrypt library 2.5.7
    - cURL 7.21.0
    - SQLite 2.8.17 (for PHP4 + PHP5)
    - SQLite 3.6.16 (for PHP5 PDO SQLite)
    - libapreq 2.12
    - eAccelerator
    - FPDF 1.6
    - bzip2 (library) 1.0.5
    - PBXT 1.0.11-6-pre-ga
    - PBMS 0.5.15 (but disabled)
    - PBMSlib 0.5.15
    - ICU4C Library 4.2.1

New in this version of XAMPP:
    - Fixed a problem with MySQL 5.5.x and XAMPP's backup script
    - New version of mod_perl (2.0.5)
    - New version of Apache (2.2.19)
    - New version of MySQL (5.5.15)
    - New version of PHP (5.3.7)
    - New version of phpMyAdmin (
    - New version of ProFTPD (1.3.3e)
Last edited by bigpcman on 19. September 2011 23:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby JonB » 20. August 2011 01:44

I can explain this - the Project leader "is" the beta tester. Oswald is strictly a Linux guy.

That's his 'home environment' and ir's where all the builds start. That's why its always done first.

I'm running XAMPP/LAMPP 1.74 on this Fedora 15 development machine I am on right now. Since its my #1 Linux machine right now, I'm NOT breaking it, LOL. I also have a Fedora 15 box running a standard stack (yum installed 99% of the stuff). LAMPP is NOT radically easier to make run in my opinion, in part because everything is in 'the wrong place' and you still have to know the shell to fix stuff. I will say once you know where everything is, and get on to why 'nobody' owns a lot of stuff, its about the same as any other Linux stack.

A few things take massaging. Webmin needs a fix, SELinux can cause problems. You'll still need to deal with iptables if you want to expose the box.

In short, XAMMP/LAMMP does not make a LAMPP stack insanely simple to deploy, like the Windows version does (which is slam bam, thank you mam fast). To be fair, LAMPP still does 95% of what you need for a development machine all in one pass.

(this is only my opinion)

Good Luck

If I had a spare box, I'd test the beta in the 15 minutes a day I have left over, but I lost two boxes (one not too long in the tooth) to mobo failures in the past 3 months and I haven't recovered yet. :cry:
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby bigpcman » 21. August 2011 00:44

[quote="JonB"]I can explain this - the Project leader "is" the beta tester. Oswald is strictly a Linux guy.[/quote

Thank you JonB for responding to my post.

Now let's think about this for a minute. There has to be more beta testers than Oswald otherwise the beta load would never be thoroughly tested to the point where it could be turned into a reliable release. Perhaps this is what happened to the 1.7.4 release.

I am happy to hear you got the 1.7.4 release to work but the feedback on this release is filled with user problems. Especially as compared to release 1.7.3.

It would be great to have a "checkoff" fixed list that would indicate what specifically has been fixed relative to the 1.7.4 release as well as what generally remains to be fixed.

I think that's what most users are waiting for. The release notes simply don't provide enough information. We need some comfort that installing the 1.7.5 beta is worth the effort.

Also, if indeed there are users testing the 1.7.5 beta and providing feedback why is it not shared on this forum or in a dedicated beta tester forum?
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby JonB » 21. August 2011 19:48

First - I don't see any bad feedback on the Linux version, other than that people DON'T know Linux when they start. All the bad rap is on the Windows version - which is a DOG. They have almost nothing in common really, other than they came from the same SOURCE (already stable). The problems don't come from SOURCE, they come from BUILDS and configurations.

Second - you never read the beta page did you?

Beta's aren't discussed in the forums, you submit problems on a form. I know cause I 'beta'd' the last two Windows releases. You report the problem, they e-mail you if they can't replicate or have a question. I already gave you the reasons I haven't done the Linux Beta. I'm in the middle of a project on those machines. If you would like to ship me a laptop to test the beta on, I'll do it. I just don't have any spare boxes ATM.

As for how things work at Apache Friends, I didn't make it that way. I told you who the project leader is, so send him your thoughts please. I have no way to influence what happens here.

There IS a bug-tracker, although it doesn't appear to get much use:

Before I posted this, I took the time to read your posts. You have been using LAMPP for a relatively LONG and you have been though a good number of beta/release cycles. I see that the project members, particularly Carsten Weidmann, went to great lengths to explain things as needed.

Have you noticed how many (including yours) Linux/LAMPP post are basically unanswered?
There are two possibilities:
A. - Not that many folks use LAMPP on Linux (what I think is the case)
B. - We are dealing with the Linux - figure it out yourself syndrome (also quite possible)

I personally suggest you "man up" and install it on a box if you are so curious. Then YOU can be the hero, maybe set up a page/blog to post what happened, the checklist you suggested (like I have done for many other projects). I also run a (private) ChangeBlog for each project I work on, its supereasy with WordPress. Note- I keep a site about XAMPP - see below. :)

I have now given you the realistic picture. If you don't like it XAMPP so much, and if you want a project with open Alphas, Betas, complete open bug-tracking and open discussions of the Release candidates, then I suggest you look to Ubuntu or Fedora, where everything is out in the open. I use 4 different distributions (because of the projects I work on for others), and its not tough any longer to build a complete stack on any of them. The fact is that apt-get, yum and the other install/make/build tools, plus reliable, almost-all-inclusive repositories have taken the mystery out of most elements of Linux setup.

Good Luck

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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby bigpcman » 23. August 2011 13:42

Well I decided to install the 1.7.5 linux beta myself on my system that is running 1.7.3 just to see how it works.

The install itself was the same as previous releases nothing to report there.

However, the xampp start page would not come up after starting lampp. I chmod'ed to 777 the lang.tmp file and that fixed the start page problem.

The bigger problem is that mysql will not start for some reason and phpmysql admin fails as well.

Webalizer also fails.

I sent a few posts using the feedback form so I'll wait and see what advice I get.

edit: Ok, I went ahead and did a brute force chmod 777 on the lampp directory, and a 744 on my.cnf and config.inc.php. Everything works after these changes albeit not a good idea in a real system. So once again there are permission problems that must be tracked down after the beta load is installed. I ran through all the embedded sample apps and the security script. Also, Phpmyadmin and webalizer seem to work as near as I can tell at a glance.

When I get more time I will try to change the config files and install my web site which includes ppbb and other apps that require mysql databases.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby JonB » 23. August 2011 15:43

Excellent, good job -

I'll follow this thread, and if I get a spare machine in the near future I'll put a distro on it and test myself. I am in crunch mode on a project that accounts for most of my income (I'm a free lance developer/systems architect - although I do have a company and all that)

Thanks for helping the effort.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby bigpcman » 23. August 2011 15:53

Looks like a new version of php will have to be included in the xampp beta given this announcement:

"Maintainers of the PHP scripting language are urging users to avoid an update released last week that introduces a serious bug affecting some cryptographic functions.

The flaw in version 5.3.7 involves the crypt() function used to cryptographically hash a text string. When using the command with the MD5 algorithm and some salt characters to help randomize the resulting hash value, the program returns only the salt, instead of the salted hash. The bug doesn't appear to affect the crypt() function when the DES or Blowfish algorithms are used."
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby bigpcman » 24. August 2011 03:51

After a bit of research it looks like the migration from mysql 5.1 in xampp 1.7.3 to mysql 5.5 in 1.7.5 can't be done via a simple upgrade script. So we should not expect one from the xampp team. There are many compatibility exceptions that must be understood to determine what the upgrade process is. See the mysql site instructions:

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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 7)

Postby JonB » 24. August 2011 08:47

One big-tripper-upper for many in MYSQL 5.5 is the that the "TYPE =" directive has gone from deprecated to obsolete, replaced by "ENGINE =" (used to declare Table types, errrrr engine choices, LOL). This breaks many installers and SQL backups/restores (aka import/export).

Along the same lines, InnoDB has become the default engine, replacing MYISAM. The differences are significant, and the FULLTEXT indexing promised for InnoDB is not going to happen. This has a hidden trap for developers of 'context/content' sites that aren't thinking ahead. Full-site searches usually rely on the 'pre-indexing' of FULLTEXT. That was part of the MySQL 6 roadmap, which has been abandoned, thank Larry Ellison who has a different database to promote. This is one of the huge issues with Open Source - other than Apache, the projects can't stand on their own two legs if their corporate masters suffer ill fortune. Open Source is the red-headed-stepchild, and out the door and shivering in the winter cold when there is not enough love and warmth by the corporate fireplace. Open Source is almost completely contingent on the 'spare resources' of global corporations. There's possbily two exceptions, and that is by dint of the fact that the raison d'etre of their parents in Linux services - Redhat/Fedora and Canonical/Ubuntu. Novell just doesn't count anymore.

I know blah, blah, blah :lol:

Thanks for the report.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 8)

Postby bigpcman » 11. September 2011 15:08

Beta 8 looks pretty good to me!

I have recently installed xampp 1.7.5 beta8 without any anomalies. There was nothing unusual to report. After the install the server came up without error and everything ran as expected. All the sample apps and security script ran without errors.

However, the hard part of a server upgrade is the migration of all the custom configuration changes. There is no automatic upgrade script and I doubt there ever will be one for this release. So I went ahead and changed one by one all the configuration files to incorporate all my custom settings.

Once all the configuration changes were done I began the process of migrating the mysql database files. I use phpbb3 and a couple of other applications. Again there is no automatic way of doing this so I used the mysqldump, mysql restore and mysql_upgrade commands to perform the migration. I had to manually create the databases first using phpadmin and create the users along with their privileges.

Once this was done, I installed my web server contents into the new system.

I then began testing the system. Everything ran fine except for one mysql application and that is the fault of the application not xampp or more specifically mysql version 5.5.15. But it does point out the difficulty of getting such an upgrade to work. I'm still working on the problem and probably will have to reinstall the application from scratch.

So the overall upgrade went better than some of my previous experiences but I still don't have a "complete" working system so I would not be able to use it yet.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 8)

Postby JonB » 11. September 2011 15:38

All right - thanks for the report.

I totally agree that if you have 'working stuff', doing upgrades is a big job and has to be done 'hands on'. In my case, I an 'not messing with' my two Linux boxes until I get through the current development cycle for exactly that reason. Even working servers can have mysterious hiccups. My LAMPP server (at the moment) has stopped working as an application generator for one of my frameworks. Worked 10 days ago, now it spits out a corrupt tarball. I have no idea why, I have not done any software/OS maintenance. I also have not yet made a big effort to debug either, as I know how to build the apps with other tools, or create them from existing templates (cloning).

You make a very good point indirectly - everyone who 'thinks' they can manage things needs to learn the MySQL command line. At some point that knowledge will either save your 'stuff' or maybe save your job! (or help you get a new job, perhaps)

Thanks for the info.
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Re: Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta4 (now 8)

Postby bigpcman » 15. September 2011 16:09

Looks like the Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta release is ready for final release. I noticed the beta version 8 has gone to simply beta instead of 9 as of September 13th. The release notes are the same as for beta 8 so all the programs are the same but a diff would be required to determine if any other files changed. I have not found anything new to report so it still looks good to me. However I have not tested the php accelerator.
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Has anyone tested Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta 4-8 (now 1.7.6)

Postby bigpcman » 19. September 2011 15:29

bigpcman wrote:Looks like the Linux Xampp 1.7.5-beta release is ready for final release. I noticed the beta version 8 has gone to simply beta instead of 9 as of September 13th. The release notes are the same as for beta 8 so all the programs are the same but a diff would be required to determine if any other files changed. I have not found anything new to report so it still looks good to me. However I have not tested the php accelerator.

Well I was wrong about my above conclusion.
Beta release 1.7.6 came out September 18th. So what happened? More apache problems requiring yet another release.

"A new apache vulnerability, CVE-2011-3192, creates a means to trick web clients into requesting multiple parts of the same file at the same time, causing systems to get hopelessly tied up in knots and crash. The Apache Foundation addressed the same underlying byte-range flaw first with an 2.2.20 update at the end of August. Last week it ironed out glitches in this bug fix with a further update, 2.2.21."

So I guess since the previous beta releases went from 1.7.5 beta 1-8 to simply 1.7.5 beta it would have been confusing to go back to 1.7.5 beta 9. Instead we now have release 1.7.6 beta. Wow this is getting messy.

I'll install this release when I get some spare time but I think it is a minor change so I don't expect any surprises.
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