User web dir permission (in ftp)

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User web dir permission (in ftp)

Postby lukasamd » 29. October 2010 17:46

I use xampp (lampp) in Linux Debian.
Everyting is ok when I use root password, but I'ld like to add another.

I add directory "myweb" in lampp directory.
I add user "myweb" in group "myweb" - home directory is opt/lampp/myweb
I add vhost for myweb domain and uncomment line for vhosts in httpd.conf - it's working great
Now, I change myweb directory owner by command:

Code: Select all
chown -R myweb:myweb opt/lampp/myweb

and change persimmions for this directory:

Code: Select all
chmod -R 770 opt/lampp/myweb 

In effect:
- I can upload files by ftp and php scripts
- I can read files by ftp and php scripts
- I can't overwrite files in this directory:

[R] 550 test.html: Overwrite permission denied

What do I do wrong?
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