Installing sw under xampp, ->error code 404

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Installing sw under xampp, ->error code 404

Postby Gyorgy » 02. October 2010 11:45


Appologizing in advance, for my beginner level : I am doing in DIY way... (using UBUNTU 10.04 )

Problem description:
- wishing to install vTIGERCRM, I did the below :

- installed XAMP ( /opt/lampp )
- checked out : works perfectly

- checked the http.config file for the web root ; found the following : ServerRoot "/opt/lampp"
- extracted the filesystem of vTIGERCRM ( .tar.gz) , resulting into a folder with a lot of files and subfolders into the /opt/lampp
- granted to vTIGERCRM the r/w rights : chmod -R a+rw filename(vtigercrm)
- started lampp server (/opt/lampp start)
- typed into the browser :

-result : error code 404

- moved the VTIGERCRM folder into /opt/lampp/var
- stopped, than started xamp
- typed into the browser

- result : error code 404

Question :
- where shall the new folder be placed, in order to be accessed through the webserver ?
- what else shall be corrected ? reconfigured ?

Thank you in advance for the support/help/hints.

Best regards

- get the errormessage: 404
Posts: 4
Joined: 02. October 2010 11:25
Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Installing sw under xampp, ->error code 404

Postby Nobbie » 02. October 2010 13:55

Gyorgy wrote:I am doing in DIY way...

You really should read some very basic documentation before, in that special case for example the meaning of "DocumentRoot" in httpd.conf: ... cumentroot
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

SOLVED Re: Installing sw under xampp, ->error code 404

Postby Gyorgy » 02. October 2010 14:28

Thanks for the reply.
Your hint is very very valid .

In the meant time I realized : the files should be placed in the htdocs folder.
In that way worked.

On the other side : I have chosen the DIY, as the descriptiption referring to the install on the Vtiger site was much inacurate, and did not worked the pre-packed binary instalation kit.
So I had to go to install the sw by it's parts...

However, I learned a lot out of this. ( and spent lots of hours reading some specialized docs on the web ).

Once again : thanks for your attention and will to help !

Best regards
Posts: 4
Joined: 02. October 2010 11:25
Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04

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