xampp alladdons unintended behaviour

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp alladdons unintended behaviour

Postby tkiss80 » 07. July 2010 20:56


I think there is an error in XAMPP for Linux 1.7.3a, in the /opt/lampp/share/lampp/alladdons script.

There is a line like this:
Code: Select all
for i in /opt/lampp/etc/lampp/start*

It is intended to collect the start* files in the directory, and works well when there are such files (by default there are). On the other hand when there are no such files, the shell can't resolve "start*", so the expression "/opt/lampp/etc/lampp/start*" is treated literally and is assigned to $i. From that point on, the script determines that the addon file to be called is "*". After this, it happily calls "/opt/lamp/share/addons/*" - and luckily enough, in the default install there is only one file there, "test", so the script won't fail.

That's why the mysterious "XAMPP: Starting TEST-Plugin..." message appears when we disable both SSL and FTP.
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Joined: 07. July 2010 20:22

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