Gentoo and Xampp - problems!

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Gentoo and Xampp - problems!

Postby weisrc » 25. March 2004 22:18

In gentoo, after I untarred successfully then moving to step #2 to start as instructed using the following command returned an error saying that the command did not exist.

Code: Select all
/opt/lampp/lampp start

Anybody ran into this problem of using Gentoo and Xampp? I tried setting up lampp in my bin folder hoping it might be some permission error (maybe it still is?) but it still didn't load through commands.

But, I got it working (woohoo!) by setting Xampp to load on startup by modifying the file: /etc/conf.d/local.start

adding this line at the bottom:

Code: Select all
/opt/lampp/lampp start

NOW, my main question is... I can't run LAMPP START or any other commands to work with LAMPP, (like running the security wizard thingy), so... why is this not working?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!

Any ideas? I am a linux noob, so maybe I'm missing something simple?

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Joined: 25. March 2004 21:42

Postby pir187 » 27. May 2004 09:59


I use the current version of LAMPP on my Gentoo system (1.4 updated) without any problems!

Try this as 'root':
cd /opt/lampp
./lampp start

Does it work?

Greets, pir187
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Re: Gentoo and Xampp - problems!

Postby athula » 01. March 2009 10:19

I also had the same problem starting XAMPP on Gentoo.
/opt/lampp lampp start did not work.

But it worked when I tried ./lampp start from /opt/lampp directory.
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Re: Gentoo and Xampp - problems!

Postby susanspy » 20. March 2009 17:45

Hello all,

i have a issue, i tried the trick below for the same issue "/opt/lampp lampp start " but it did not work at all, please help me asap.

i am in middle of a project & this has brought me t a stand still.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Gentoo and Xampp - problems!

Postby Wiedmann » 20. March 2009 21:15

i tried the trick below for the same issue "/opt/lampp lampp start " but it did not work at all,

Just read the install manual more carefully. There is no space between "lampp" and "lampp" It's a slash:
Code: Select all
/opt/lampp/lampp start
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