Soapclient with certificate "could not connect" -- thoughts?

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Soapclient with certificate "could not connect" -- thoughts?

Postby scooterhanson » 08. December 2008 18:17

I'm having an issue with a soapclient request that can't connect to a web service using a local_cert pem file. I've done this a few times before on similar systems and everything's fine. The major difference between this system and the others that I know work correctly is the version of my xampp stack (this one is 1.6.6 and might have an issue with libxslt and the others run on 1.6.5a).

My first issue is that when I try to run the request, it tells me that it can't parse the wsdl (located on an https url).

Next, if I wget the wsdl url with my certs, I can download it and access it locally via the soapclient -- it parses fine, but I get a "Could not connect" soap fault.

For kicks, I tried sending a wget request to the service address specified in the wsdl and it spits back a 500 error, so I can at least rule out problems with resolving the hostname, but I'm not sure where this leaves me...

Any thoughts on whether or not the libxslt issue could be a candidate for blame?

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Joined: 08. December 2008 17:58

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