Proftp users / Virtual hosts when using XAMPP

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Proftp users / Virtual hosts when using XAMPP

Postby mbrossard » 06. November 2008 22:03


I just installed sucessfully XAMPP on a server (no graphical interface available).
I want my UNIX users to have their home directory in /home, a ftp connection and a virtualhost pointing to it.

I thought when i would add a unix user (useradd), it would have automaticly access to a ftp connection. But it doesn't seem to work. I think it's because XAMPP is installed in /opt/lampp.
Do you know how I can set this up correctly ?

Another simple question : I learnt how to set up virtual hosts, but i don't know where to enter them when using XAMPP.

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Joined: 06. November 2008 21:56

ftp & vhost

Postby raman36127 » 07. November 2008 21:14

xampp come with his own ftp.. if u want to use vsftpd the stop xampp ftp permanetly with following command.
#/opt/lampp/lampp stopftp

2) for virtual host set up use following file fot vhost set up. (web)


Hope this information work for u.

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Joined: 04. November 2008 09:36

Postby mbrossard » 09. November 2008 20:12

Thanks for your reply.

I'm fine using the integrated ftp server, but I need to be sure that when I create a user with the home folder at /home/user, then automaticly, this user can access this same folder by ftp.
This doesn't seem to work right now. Would you have any idea why ?

Concerning the Vhosts, I edited the /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf to include the /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-vhost.conf file. Then I edited the httpd-vhosts.conf and set this rule :

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /home/user
</VirtualHost> is correctly configured and leads to my server.
When I type this address in my brownser, i get this error :

"You don't have permission to access /xampp/ on this server."

I was looking into some <Directory> commands, but I couldn't get it working. Do you know what I'm missing ?

Thanks for your help.
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Joined: 06. November 2008 21:56

Postby mbrossard » 10. November 2008 00:11

I solved the VirtualHost problem. Here are the steps I followed, in case someone gets into the same kind of trouble.

I addes these lines to my VirtualHost :
Code: Select all
<Directory "/home/user">
order deny,allow
allow from all

I still had the same error, so I checked the log and found out that the problem was coming from the rights on the /home/user folder.
By typing
Code: Select all
chmod 755 /home/user
, it fixed the problem

I still have the FTP issue though.

I have another question :
When I type, I get to the right place on my server, but I still have to use the XAMPP folder (/home/user/xampp) and the URL displayed in my brownser is http://myIP/xampp/
How can I change that for it not to use the XAMPP folder and display the URL typed by the user ?

Thanks raman36127 for your help.

Posts: 5
Joined: 06. November 2008 21:56

vhost + ftp + index

Postby raman36127 » 10. November 2008 05:22

under /opt/lampp/htdocs ..there is index.html page.
change this page,as u need. save & restart the lampp services.

Now onward u able u see ur page. not xampp page.

I hope this work for u.

Let me know if you have any query....
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Postby mbrossard » 10. November 2008 12:45

I've seen this page and I commented this line :
Code: Select all
<!-- <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/xampp/"> -->

and rebooted lammp with /opt/lampp/lampp restart

I thought it would avoid the use of a xampp folder in my /home/user folder but it doesn't ...
Any idea how I should modify this page ?

Thanks for your help.
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Joined: 06. November 2008 21:56

Postby Nobbie » 10. November 2008 12:56

Clear the browser cache.
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Postby mbrossard » 18. November 2008 12:24

All the problems are now fixed.
Thank you very much for your help !

Posts: 5
Joined: 06. November 2008 21:56

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