Snort, Xampp and the mysql problem!

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Snort, Xampp and the mysql problem!

Postby _sleeper » 12. September 2008 01:19

guys here's what's going on..

i have a kubuntu 8.04 distro and i want to work on an IDS, such as snort. i knew it could log into a database, so i chose xampp, which apart from mysql gives a full package of an apache server, php, etc, which comes pretty handy with what i want to do. BUT, the problem is that although i think i have configured everything perfectly, i cannot make snort to work with the database. here's what i did:

./configure --with-mysql=/opt/lampp
<-- which is mysql installed, but lacks the header file (mysql.h)

giving (for many people) the known output:

ERROR: unable to find mysql headers (mysql.h)
checked in the following places

so, the misfortune is that because of the missing header file these 2 cannot work together. i also, installed the libmysql++-devel or something like that, but it doesn't matter anyway.

i tried to make

./configure --with-mysql

and use the default settings, but this generates another problem. it doesn't use the mysql files installed by xampp (/opt/lampp), instead uses the lidmysql++-dev-whatever, it configures the file right, but when trying to do something like this:

snort -d -l ./log -c ./snort.conf

it shows the other well known output (and it should, since there were no linking between the mysql i want to use and snort):

ERROR: If this build of snort was obtained as a binary distribution (e.g., rpm,
or Windows), then check for alternate builds that contains the necessary
'mysql' support.

If this build of snort was compiled by you, then re-run the
the ./configure script using the '--with-mysql' switch.
For non-standard installations of a database, the '--with-mysql=DIR'
syntax may need to be used to specify the base directory of the DB install.

See the database documentation for cursory details (doc/README.database).
and the URL to the most recent database plugin documentation.
Fatal Error, Quitting..

so, i guess there must be a problem or a difference with the standard installation of mysql and the mysql of xampp, which misses the mysql.h. i'm open to any kind of suggestions and solutions, except from changing my will to use something different like BASE or whatever. i want to know if it can be done with snort and Xampp! :)

huge thanx in advance from all of you guys!
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Location: thessaloniki

Postby Wiedmann » 12. September 2008 20:16

but lacks the header file (mysql.h)

Download the XAMPP devel package.
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