How to get acces to XAMPP as a (non super) user

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How to get acces to XAMPP as a (non super) user

Postby JSFriend » 08. May 2008 15:10

Hello my friends,

First of all, I want to thank the XAMPP developers who makes webservers easy to configure and to control.

How can I gain acces to LAMP directory /opt/lamp/
I've installed XAMPP as root, everything works fine, but when I want to create my own subdirectory in /opt/lamp/
, I need to be root to do that. My point is, I want to work on my website without being superuser (root). Do you know how I can achieve that?

I have a few knowledge of Linux (writing code pieces in C using Vim, using bash and other simple stuff), should I do something with adding user and usergroup (I have no experience with that) to get permission or soemthing and how to do that?

Thank you.
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Postby Nobbie » 08. May 2008 15:55

Execute "chmod 0777 /opt/lampp" as root, after then you may create your private folders in /opt/lampp
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Postby JSFriend » 08. May 2008 16:21

Hi Nobbie,

Thanks man, it works! I didn't know it's so easy. So you must be root to change owneship to erybody.

Ok, my next question is, how can I set a directory accessible only by me (as a user)? Because now, everybody has acces to it with "chmod 0777". So for security reason, I want only me (as a user) to gain acces to "/opt/lamp/htdocs" the rest of lamp I'll keep it root level.

I'm sorry for my stupid-look-a-like questions, but as a former windose user it's not a surprise to ask these questions.

Thank you very much.
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Postby korg » 08. May 2008 18:24

the first number is for the owner, e.g. root, second number is for group permission, third number is for everyone else

you can change the ownership and group ownership of the file using the commands chown and chgrp
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Postby JSFriend » 09. May 2008 08:49

Ok thank you for your reply.

But how do you professionals work?
Do you change mode to 0777 everytime you modify something in the sourcecode and than put mode back to root only?

How about multiple users working on the site, how can you control who has permission or not. I try to understand these things well, because I have a nice concept of website project and I don't to make amature mistakes or problems that will arise in a far stadium.

Anyway, I will look at the three commands you post me.

Thank you for your time guys.
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