Problems with Xampp / Lampp and Freeradius

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Problems with Xampp / Lampp and Freeradius

Postby boggled_norwegian » 21. June 2007 10:49

I'm sorry if this subject has been raised before, but I can't see any references to it in the English language forums. I did find a couple in the German forums, but my German isn't good enough to interpret that.

I am using Kubuntu 6.10 and I've installed Xampp / Lampp in the default location. So far everything is working fine. I've heard that people have set up a working system running FreeRadius, Chillispot and Xampp with Kubuntu 6.10, so I am fairly sure it can be done. The problem is figuring out how. If there's anyone of you who has done it I'd appreciate hearing from you.

My immediate problem is that when I try to install Freeradius using the Adept Package Manager, or a similar program, it wants to install MySQL and Apache as well. It just doesn't see that Xampp is there. This is of course somewhat annoying, but understandable I suppose.

I think I can solve this problem if I manually install Freeradius, but then I run into the problem that I probably have to set several of the optional configuration flags. Specifically the following:

Specifies where the include files for MySQL can be found.

Specifies where the dictionary files for MySQL can be found.

Specifies where MySQL is installed on the local system.

My problem is that I'm a complete and utter newbie, I have no idea where any of these things can be found. I have poked around in the Xampp directories, and I'm still stumped.

You can find a list of the configuration flags here or here.

I would be very grateful for some assistance.
Posts: 1
Joined: 21. June 2007 10:20

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