Pear...and drupal

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Pear...and drupal

Postby fries » 28. April 2003 23:35

I'm trying to install drupal on my WAMPP2 install on my machine. I'm getting a db_query() fatal error when trying to run drupal after performing all the mysql bits and bobs.

I read that this is a Pear problem...but I can't see any problem with the pear installation with wampp.

Any ideas???

Postby PicanteGamer » 05. May 2003 23:46

The same thing happens to me with PHP-Nuke 6.5.

Anyone know how to fix this?


Postby fries » 07. May 2003 13:57

I've sorted it!

Looks like the include path in the php.ini file inside the wampp dir needs to be set to:

include_path = ".;\wampp1\php\pear"


include_path = "\wampp1\php\pear"

Hopefully that helps somebody else! :D


Postby fries » 07. May 2003 13:58

Oh yeah, I'm using wampp1 now - its quicker

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